After a destructive fire swept through what is now Old Town, a group of citizens organized to build a water tank and drill a well in 1893. Those actions were the start of both the Elk Grove Water District (EGWD) and the Cosumnes CSD Fire Department. Within a few years, the water service was purchased by a local family. The Elk Grove Water Works served privately until 1999, when it was purchased by the Florin Resource Conservation District (FRCD). The name was first changed to the Elk Grove Water Service and then eventually to the Elk Grove Water District. The EGWD provides water through a series of groundwater wells and a treatment and storage facility on Railroad Street. Additionally, a second treatment facility located on Hampton Oak Drive was rehabilitated and is supplementing community water needs. In addition, EGWD has a long term agreement with the Sacramento County Water Agency to purchase additional water supplies. About 30 employees work for EGWD, governed by a five member, publicly elected, Board of Directors.
Ardent for Life article about the Elk Grove Water District By Elizabeth Pinkerton
You can read the article below.
Information about EGWD's priorities and goals can be located in the Florin Resource Conservation District/Elk Grove Water District 2020 -2025 Strategic Plan. The FY 2020-2024 Capital Improvement Program offers specific details about a variety of maintenance, improvement and system replacement projects planned for this year and coming years. Other sources of information include the Operating Budgets and Comprehensive Audit Financial Reports. EGWD received the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence in 2020 from the Special District Leadership Foundation "in recognition of the district's completion of all transparency program requirements designed to promote transparency in their operations and governance to the public and other stakeholders."
Public Board Meetings
Members of the public are welcome at FRCD/EGWD board meetings, which are held on the third Tuesday of every month via Zoom.
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